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Unit 7 Chinese festivals

来源:原创  发布人:蒋丽峰  发布时间:2016-12-12  浏览次数:

         Unit 7 Chinese festivals

                (Period three)

                               鸣凰中心小学    蒋丽峰


 Sound time , Culture time and Cartoon time









Step 1 Warming up

1.A game. (Listen and guess)

What festival is it ? Talk about the festival.


2. What else do you know?

(注意:traditional festivals, international holiday, western festival区别)

 (Qingming Festival ,  Lantern Festival, Double seventh Festival---)

paste spring poems, They mean best wishes and hopes.

(People buy some fireworks. Children like to set off fireworks.)

(Children can get some lucky monkey from their parents,grandparents or the other relatives.)

(In the evening people have a big dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala. Every one enjoy the holiday.)

3. T: There are a lot of Chinese festivals inChina.

  T: What is your favourite festival? Why?

  (I like ----because---)

Step 2 Culture time

1.       T: We know a lot of Chinese traditional festivals. Look at this picture.

What festival is it? Is it a Chinese festival?

T: Yes. It’s Halloween.  What do you want to know about Halloween?

2.     Students ask some questions about Halloween.

When is----?

What do people usually do at Halloween?

What do they eat at Halloween?

3.     Enjoy Halloween.

New phrases: dress up,  knock on people’s doors

          play the games      “Trick or treat”

4.     Students try to answer the questions.

5.     Read about Halloween happiness.

Step 3 Sound time

1.T:Halloween is on the thirty-first of October. Today is a special day too. Let’s learn a happy rhyme.

2.Listen and clap the hands.

3.Listen and find the sound of”th”

4.Read the new words.  

5.Read the new sentences.

Miss Jiang lives in South  Town.

It is in the north of our school.

It throughs Huayuan Street.

There is a telephone booth near her house.

There are three people in her family.

One is thin. The other two are fat.

They live together happily.

Step 4 Cartoon time

1.T: My daughter is a student of Grade 4. She is a lovely girl.

At weekends she usually helps me with the housework.

 On this Mother’s Day. She drew a card for me.

2.T: What do you usually do on Mother’s day?


(give ----a kiss,  give – a hug,  say “I love you , Mum” to my mother

wash feet for her )

Bobby and Tina are talking about their Mother’s Day.

3.T: Let’s watch and think.

What is Mother’s Day?

S: It’s a day for mothers. It’s on the second Sunday of May.

4.T: Read by yourselves and choose.

Q1: What do people do on Mother’s Day.

Q2: What will Bobby and Tina give Mum?

5.Read in love.

6.Let’s act.

7.Say something about Father’s Day.

8.Write a passage.


When we grow up, our parents will get older and older.

We must learn to concern for them.

Father, mother and I , we all live together.

They love us. We love them too.

We love each other.

Boys and girls, love your parents, love your life.

Step 5 Homework

1.       Learn more festivals from the Internet.

2.     Express your love on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

3.     Finish the passage.

4.     Read sound time and cartoon time two times.


                     Unit 7 Chinese festivals




           Unit 7 Chinese festivals 教学反思

这一课我上的是Unit 7 Chinese festivals cartoon time。一上课我就发问Do you know any Chinese festivals? 孩子们有的课外学到的,有的预习得知,Qingming Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Spring Festival----然后我再抛出问题What do you want to know about these festivals?孩子们兴致盎然,各抒己见,When is ----? What do children do at this festival? What do people usually eat at this festival? ---带着这些他们想要了解的问题,我们一起观看,一起阅读,一起去寻找和探究答案。第三课时在上这一单元cartoon time 时,我让他们自由表演,添加结尾,无限创意,灵活运用。这主要是讨论的Mother’s Day。孩子们最乐意的就是表演cartoon time 了,最后Bobby’s father 提问“Is there a Father’s Day?孩子们以这一句为契机,展开了无限的想象,他们拥抱着“Dad”深情的说“Don’t be sad. We love you,too.”“一家人”深情的拥抱在一起,本堂课的情感目标,爱父母,爱家人水到渠成,还有什么比这样的表演更能感动人呢,还有什么比这样的课堂学习更有效呢!










Unit 7 Chinese festival



出席人:  全体英语教师


这一课蒋老师上的是Unit 7 Chinese festivals cartoon time



本节课中,蒋老师尽量将课堂还给了学生,让他们能够与文本对话,实现了师生交流和生生交流。一上课老师就通过游戏复习节日,然后蒋老师再抛出问题What do you want to know about these   festivals?孩子们兴致盎然,各抒己见,When is ----? What do children do at this   festival? What do people usually eat at this festival? ---带着这些他们想要了解的问题,我们一起观看,一起阅读,一起去寻找和探究答案。 


  课文结束后,蒋老师让他们自由表演,添加结尾,无限创意,灵活运用。这课主要是讨论的Mother’s Day。孩子们最乐意的就是表演cartoon time 了,最后Bobby’s   father 提问“Is there a Father’s Day?孩子们以这一句为契机,展开了无限的想象,他们拥抱着“Dad”深情的说“Don’t   be sad. We love you,too.”“一家人”深情的拥抱在一起,本堂课的情感目标,爱父母,爱家人水到渠成。











